Welcome to our lab!


Our Research

Our Research

Discover what our lab is all about! Our research is aimed at uncovering the neural mechanisms of learning and developing innovative neuroprosthetic designs, paving the way for more effective treatment options.

Our Team

Our Team

Interested in meeting the faces behind our research? Our team consists of passionate researchers, scientists, engineers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds. Click through and say say hello to our team!

Our Papers

Our Papers

Explore our latest published papers and see the exciting discoveries and advancements we’ve made in our field. Our research is centered around two topics: neuroprosthetic learning, which offers invaluable insights into the neural basis of learning, and novel optical approaches to neuroprosthetics. Embark on this exciting journey with us.

Our Code

Our Code

If you’re interested in utilizing our code, we invite you to check out our latest releases and repositories. Our code is fully open source and we welcome contributions from the community. Join us in advancing the field and making a meaningful impact through collaborative development.